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A Sacred Space

Do you have a special place that calls to you when life gets hectic?

Do you have a place that is your safe zone, your zen den, your sacred space?

I am blessed to have many of them and most include a body of water.

I love water.

It nourishes me.

It relaxes me.

It soothes my soul.

It calms my mind.

I feel extremely close to God whenever I am near water.

I live in a county in New Jersey where I am hugely blessed to be surrounded by the ocean, the bay, lakes and creeks.

One particular town that I spend a lot of time in is called Island Heights.

It's a delightful and inviting area for walkers, joggers, boaters and people watchers. There is a long boardwalk that allows for exercise, great conversation, relaxation and just plain fun.

Seagulls and ducks are frequent visitors and often amuse the onlookers.

And for photo enthusiasts, there are some spectacular sunsets to snap multiple pics of and share with others.

Island Heights was my go-to place when I needed to heal, to find solitude, to be close to something bigger than what I was going through.

It still is (along with other favorite spots).

I cherish it.

I treasure it.

What are some of your sacred spaces where you feel alive and inspired?


Suzanne Sammon

Empowerment Guide

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